Charlie Munger Dies: A Couple Lessons We've Learned...

Degens and Degenettes,

Welcome to your weekly dose of The Radical Moderate - a smorgasbord of the ideas we’ve been discussing, the money moves we’re making, and fun things that are going on in the community. Share with a buddy if you want :)

Take Of The Week

The general sentiment from this week was a sense of appreciation for one of the greatest investors that has ever lived.

Charlie Munger really put Warren Buffet on the map, and they fed off each other to become some of the most successful, and universally loved, people of all time. It’s rare that you find a billionaire that is also adored by the public. We’ve talked about this on the podcast before, but society loves to royally shaft innovators and successful people. There’s a very small sect of billionaires that are universally adored, and Charlie Munger seems to be one of those people. The thread boys are already out in full-force with their “99 ways Charlie Munger changed my life”, so I decided to spare you of that, and just touch on three that I think stood out.


Invert, Invert, Invert

This framework is brilliant in its simplicity. Take a common problem, say losing weight for example. What the normies would do is ask “ok, what are 4 things I can do to be more fit. Seems reasonable right? But what Charlie would do is say “ok, what are 4 sure fire ways to be UNHEALTHY?

1) Don’t exercise

2) Eat more calories than necessary

3) Sit down for the majority of the day

4) Be constantly stressed out

You can apply this to business or even how to pick up a girl at a bar. Basically by inverting the problem, the solution becomes 10x clearer.

“I never allow myself to hold an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do”

The best thing about Charlie is that his life quips are so simple, yet so spot on. Don’t form an opinion unless you can steel-man the opposition’s argument. Boom.

Most of us are crypto people here. And mostly our approach is something along the lines of “I’m a crypto bull, and here are the 5 reasons why I believe that.” Again, a super logical approach. According to Munger, a better way to frame would be “smart people who don’t believe in crypto would say a, b, and c… what might I be missing?”

It’s a way better way to formulate an argument, and you get smarter in the process. That being said, I’m not sure Munger and Buffet applied this principle to their views on crypto, but we’ll save that fight for another day.

“Avoiding stupidity is easier than seeking brilliance”

A smart salesman once said “you don’t need to know everything about the product you’re selling, you just need to have a 10% understanding of what it actually does.” Basically another way to say what Charlie is saying, which is that it’s a lot easier, and often more effective, to have a 10% understanding of something, simply to have enough information to not act as a fool.

Charlie Munger is about as close to a modern-day stoic as we had. His life quips were genius in their simplicity, and he had a huge affect on shaping the views of a lot of the people in our community.

RIP, Legend ❤️

Shill Of The Week

Crypto stocks are mooning 🌔 $COIN, $RIOT, and $MSTR all up over 6.5% over the past couple days. Bull market euphoria has arrived.

Quote Of The Week

“Everyday that ETH is down 0.2% and Solana is up 3%… I die a little inside” - Stephen Cesaro

If you haven’t subscribed to the pod on YouTube yet, go give the boys another sub for Christmas.

Much love

Alfalfa Intern